7 встреча интеллектуалов в Испании

25 May 2019

From May 6, International Institute of the development of science cooperation, Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies held the VII International Meeting of Intellectuals. The topic for discussion was the Balance of Power in the Perspective of Political Changes in the Middle East.

Nowadays it is observed that the balance of power that had been around for many years in the Middle East has changed and continues to change depending on important developments unfolding since the beginning of the 21st century. How do these new developments affect the approach of the EU and the USA to the region? How will these affect relations between the EU, Russia and Turkey? The format of the meeting was with broad participation.

Thematic sessions:

  1. Social and migration problems in geopolitics of the Middle East;
  2. The issue of membership of the Turkish Republic in the EU in the light of developments in the Middle East;
  3. Contradictions of the West, East and Russia in a context of the Middle East crisis;
  4. Dynamics of a global, regional and local balance of power in the Middle East


Russian delegation:

  • Naumkin Vitaly - Ph.D. in History, Professor and Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, expert in Islamic studies, political expert, RIAC member
  • Ponomareva Elena - Doctor of Political Sciences, historian, publicist, Russian political scientist, Professor of Comparative Politics of Moscow State Institute of International Relations; President of the International Institute of the development of science cooperation (MIRNaS)
  • Mirzekhanov Velikhan  - Ph.D. in History, leading researcher, Head of Department of European History of XIX centuries of Institute of World History of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Department of post-Soviet countries foreign State Humanitarian University
  • Arif Asalioglu - General Director of International Institute for the Development of Science Cooperation
  • Tarasov Stanislav - REGNUM Eastern Editor-in-Chief, historian, expert on the problems of the countries of the Middle East and the Caucasus
  • Shapovalova Svetlana - Eastern European economist
  • Anna Belikova, Orientalist/Middle Eastern studies specialist, consultant of cultures and linguistics specifically of Eastern countries and works for the RT television channel (Chief Public Communication Specialist). Lecturer for the Faculty of World Politics (Moscow State University) and for the Faculty of Eurasia and the East  (Chelyabinsk State University).
  • Viktoriya Vladymyrova, Upper catagory English teacher, translator
  • Suchkov Maksim – senior researcher of the MGIMO Laboratory of International Trends Analysis, editor of the Russian section of Al-Monitor (USA), RIAC expert

 Representatives of Spain

  •  Jordi Quero Arias – Professor, researcher at Pompeu Fabra University and CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs)
  •  Jose A. Hita Jimenez. Dr. Department of Greek and Slavic Philology, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Granada
  • Inmaculada Smolzka -  Senior Lecturer at the University of Granada, Department of Political Science
  • Isaías Barreñada - Professor of International Relations at Complutense University of Madrid
  • Inmaculada Marrero Rocha – Professor of International Relations at the University of Granada and Executive Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies
  • Javier Roldán Barbero, Professor of International Public Law, University of Granada
  • Antonio Sánchez Ortega, Professor of International Relations, University of Granada
  • Paula Domínguez Mezquita, Communications Officer of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies
  • Antonio Segura Serrano, Professor of International Public Law and International Relations at the University of Granada, Executive Vice-Secretary of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies
  • Lucas Ruiz Díaz, professor of Political Science at the University of Jaén
  • Miguel Rodríguez, organizing team
  • José A. Hita Jiménez, Prof. Dr. University of Granada. Department of Greek and Slavic Philology, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

 Representatives of other countries

  • Yashar Yakish- Minister of foreign affairs of Turkey and a former ambassador to the UN Office in Vienna, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, Political expert
  • Oschimek Margret Elvira, Office manager, Painter
  • Selchuk Gultashli- Journalist and author, Turkey and EU relations specialist, from Brussels
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Наши партнеры


Profesor Name
Пономарева Елена Георгиевна

Президент Международного Института Развития Научного Сотрудничества
Российский политолог, историк, публицист. Доктор политических наук, профессор МГИМО

Profesor Name
Ариф Асалыоглу

Генеральный директор Международного Института Развития Научного Сотрудничества

Profesor Name
Мейер Михаил Серафимович

Научный руководитель Международного Института Развития Научного Сотрудничества
Доктор исторических наук. Профессор

Profesor Name
Наумкин Виталий Вячеславович

Председатель Попечительского совета Международного Института Развития Научного Сотрудничества
Доктор исторических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН. Директор Института востоковедения РАН. Член научного совета Российского совета по международным делам.

Profesor Name
Мирзеханов Велихан Салманханович

Заместитель Председателя Попечительского совета Международного Института Развития Научного Сотрудничества
Доктор исторических наук. Профессор кафедры стран постсоветского зарубежья РГГУ, профессор факультета глобальных процессов МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова.

Встреча российских и турецких молодых интеллектуалов