14 Jan 2016
At the turn of XX-XXI centuries the development of mankind gave birth to a brand new problems of communication on the international stage. The current situation is suitable for international youth relations both at the level of organizations and at the level of interpersonal contacts. This can be seen clearly in humanitarian sphere. The dynamic development of international youth relations in humanitarian field is of high importance for steady development of the global community. Among the factors that contributed to this were the following: decrease of confrontation between the two superpowers, extent of integration ties, increase of influence of international non-governmental organizations, growth of cultural pluralism and political activity of young people in every region of the world.
Definitely, the model of cultural and humanitarian activity of international youth organizations that had been formed after the WWII, is being transformed due to multidirectional global tendencies. During this period, along with political, social, cultural and humanitarian tendencies and factors that influenced strengthening of the international role of the young people there were also regional institutions of contemporary international relations (for example, the Council of Europe) and international modern organizations such as UN and UNESCO.
Speaking about UNESCO, since its establishment problems of youth have formed the area for communication with various international youth organizations in the field of humanitarian activity. Within UNESCO a special institution The UNESCO Youth Coordination Unit-UCJ was formed in order to create and strengthen partner relations with young people all around the world.
Nowadays international youth organizations activity is not only volunteering or traineeship. It also includes such opportunities as study and even work in international companies and corporations that are interested in active and well-educated young people. And this means not only work but also involving young people in global world-wide economic process.
An important feature should be mentioned. Youth organizations that are themselves one of the consequences and effects of globalization are at the same time the means of protection of young people that are the most vulnerable segment of population against the globalization processes that are caused by globalization itself.
Representatives and branches of multidirectional international youth organizations and institutions are of high importance for development of humanitarian mission. First of all, we should mention activities of AISEC which is one of the largest youth organizations in the world. This organization nowadays offers a lot of international programs available for young people. Besides this organization, we should mention activities of human rights organizations and other humanitarian organizations such as Youth human rights movement that has been established as the part of international project and Young Europe that unites young people and organizations from Europe and Central Asia.
In Russia there is also a group of major youth-serving organizations that have either existed for a long time, with large numbers of participants, or have significant governmental and financial support. One of major youth organizations in Russia is international forum “Seliger” that during the last several years has transformed to international organization rather than domestic one. Recently, activities of Seliger have been continued AS “Territoriya smislov” (“Territory of meanings”).
In future establishment of traditional international community “Territoriya smislov” (“Territory of meanings”) as the new form of communication with foreign youth may become an important element of international youth partnership institution in case of its successful activities. We should also mention various competitions and programs concerning youth policies, that are often carried out at both federal and regional levels. In such programs a lot of attention Is paid to youth projects. However, along with this, we should notice that such competitions, for example “Russian national Contest of youth projects” etc indicate not only intensification of young people project activities but also the fact that its international humanitarian activities are still not remarkable.
So why is it important for young people to identify themselves with the majority? A lot of philosophers and thinkers spoke about possibility to feel oneself a complete person only in loneliness. However, Aristotle in “Nicomachean ethics” stated that nobody could possess all goods at the same time or extensive good and that the person needs a society for happiness. Aristotle believed that being a complete person meant being a political person, involved in social activities. And this is what every youth organization provides.
To conclude we should say that ambiguous character of relations between globalization and youth in economic challenges (study, work, travelling) is that young people are the most vulnerable part of globalization processes. In these ambiguous relations youth organizations while being a creation of globalization are at the same time a kind of shelter for young people while providing opportunities for study, work and taking participation in international projects and conferences outside their country.
We have also noticed an interesting factor, that youth organizations of the world are aimed to involve young people into the global economic structure, while in Russia we can observe another main stream that is involving young people into governmental institutions.
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