Introduction of scientific innovations in the sphere of professional education on the example of Moscow state humanitarian-economic Institute

15 Sep 2015

Bayramov V.D.

Abstract. The author of the article focuses on the innovative character of education, which becomes the most important tool in its competition with other social institutions for influence on the younger generation. Based on analysis of statistical data and expert judgements identifies key trends in education and innovation processes in modern Russia, analyzes the positive experience of cooperation with the leading scientific, research, social organizations at the Moscow state humanitarian-economic Institute.

Keywords: scientific innovation, the scope of vocational training, transfers, grants, research, undergraduate, graduate, professional competence, multi-level education, social institutions.

The task of the rise of education becomes one of the key tasks of innovative development of Russia. It is education as a system of formation of the intellectual capital of a nation and one of the main areas of production innovation creates the conditions for rapid growth and renewal of technologies. Modernization of education - political and national goal, the goal of which is to create a mechanism of sustainable development of the education system, ensuring the formation of an integrated scientific picture of the world, high quality education that meets the challenges of the XXI century, social and economic needs of the country's development, the educational needs of the individual, society, state, taking into account forecasts of development of the labour market.

Education is a priority in the social strategy, as evidenced by the national project «Education». Russia has joined the Bologna process, and carries out measures for entering the world educational space. Implementation of the priority areas implies the solution of such tasks as:

  • the creation of an independent public education quality assessment system designed to ensure flexible transition between different educational programs;
  • the inclusion of employers in the formulation of educational policies, the standards of quality of vocational education in order to better meet the changing needs of the labour market;
  • creating conditions for territorial, social and academic mobility of young people in order to preserve the unity of educational space of the Russian Federation and ensure the competitiveness of Russian education at the educational services market;
  • providing guarantees of independent assessment of quality of education at all levels of the educational system;
  • increase of the quality of personnel potential of education;
  • ensuring innovative nature of the development of education;
  • integration of scientific, educational and practical activities of educational institutions.

Currently there are dramatic transformation of the entire system of vocational education in Russia, as evidenced by the introduction of continuous multilevel education, the proclamation of the competence-based approach, total Informatization of education, distance education. The vocational education system focuses on the needs of the labour market and integration into the infrastructure of modern production.

Already today for the Russian economy in the first stage of higher education actually turns into continued General education, whose main role is advanced socialization and development of the key competences. In conditions of mass demand for higher education, its base level (bachelor, bachelor of applied) has all chances to become the core of the educational system. The bachelor degree is becoming increasingly broad profile, complemented by a wide choice of training and retraining programmes, and rebuilding range of systematically updated master's programs.

Another major difference of the new model is prevailing high values of talent and skill, which is understood as the possession of a particularly effective means of activities in a specific area. Motivation, interest, and the inclination of students are considered as a key resource образования. Is a new portrait of a teacher: he is a researcher, educator, consultant, project manager.
The innovative character of education is becoming a key tool in its competition with other social institutions for influence on the younger generation. Use of modern information technology not only increases the effectiveness of the educational process, but also contributes to its attractiveness in the eyes of students. New technologies allow us to develop network forms of organization of education, as well as educational environment. The education system should act as the integrator of these processes, creating conditions for independent, non-formal education and disseminating new technologies in the sphere of youth policy in General.
The innovative character of education requires regular participation of students and teachers in international comparative studies, the active search for and use of the best international developments in the field of technologies and content of education, incentives and infrastructure import and export of educational services, attraction of the Russian universities, scientific-pedagogical personnel from abroad, activities of Russian scientists in partner universities for abroad. Reorganization of the system of professional education will create the necessary conditions for changing the very essence of what is happening with young and older people coming in educational institutions. For them, the typical process of retelling of knowledge from textbooks will largely replaced project work, participation in research and development, periodic outputs of the walls of the educational institutions in actual production.
In accordance with the principle of openness results in the integration of a number of educational programs and real production, including through the provision of educational services by the leading enterprises of the relevant sectors. This means that students learn in school, and in the partner company engaged in real production of goods. The system of academic and applied bachelor will involve more than two-thirds of graduates of secondary school. Thus, the baseline level of higher education is a social standard generation coming into the active life in the first quarter of XXI century.

Will complete its transition to conducted higher education, while dramatically reducing the list of specialities (directions of training) higher education at the undergraduate level and the introduction of flexible standards for the various master's programs. Apparently, you can make standards for graduate framework, without determination of the elements of content.
At the undergraduate will be provided with a wide selection of courses to the completion of the period of training graduate was ready either to the beginning of labour activity, or to continue training in a magistracy.
Will be supported preparatory departments at the master's Federal research universities (for graduates of the educational programs of other universities), and also at bachelor's leading regional universities (for citizens who have served under contract in the armed forces, and other groups in need of special support their educational choice).
The most important characteristic of research and development at university and institutions is their orientation on the needs of an innovative economy real interaction with high-tech enterprises. For effective integration of the processes of knowledge generation and dissemination long-term financing of scientific research will focus in research universities and in government-sponsored research centers in the structure of other higher education institutions, and on their basis will be created venture capital companies, business incubators, engineering and transfer of technologies.
An indicator of the effectiveness of the strategy should become a real demand for Russian high-tech products on foreign and domestic markets. The state's task is to "form the economy of leadership and innovation, and by 2020 to increase to about 5-10% Russian participation in global markets of high-tech and intellectual services in five - seven ways. From 13 to 17-18% should increase the share of high-tech sector in the gross domestic product (GDP), innovative products in industrial production in five-six times, and innovative companies from 9.4 to 40-50%.

Support for execution of programs of innovative development called fundamental and applied research. As noted by V.V. Putin, it is necessary to establish a balanced and dynamically developing sector of research and development that meets the challenges of the day.

The strategy will be implemented in two phases: the first (2011-2013 years) must be solved increase susceptibility business and economy to innovations. On the second (2014-2020) are assumed to conduct a large-scale modernization of industry, formation of efficient national innovation system.
The volume of budget expenditure, which in the nearest school to influence the innovation is estimated to 15.7 trillion rubles. This includes expenses on education, science and other spheres. However, the emergence of innovation depends not only on the amount of funding, but also on the ability of the national innovation system to generate these innovations, and the ability of business systems to perceive them. The ability of the production and transformation of knowledge takes years to form. A crucial role is played by educational institutions, starting from primary school to postgraduate education. The dynamics here we are ahead of other leading economies of the world. In 2009 financing of this sphere in Russia has reached the 485,8 billion rubles. As a result, our country is now the 8th place in the world in terms of research and development costs (26.6 billion dollars in the calculation of purchasing power parity of national currencies), behind only the US, Japan, China, Germany, France, Korea and the UK.

By 2015, the financing of scientific research of the higher school of the Federal budget should reach 25% from the corresponding financing for the section «education», and by 2020 of 35 per cent.
On a competitive basis will be formed a group of Federal research universities, able to compete with leading world scientific and educational centers. By 2010, selected 12 of these universities by 2015 is planned to open at least 16, by 2020 - more than 20. These universities will have a broader academic, financial and organizational autonomy. They will receive increased funding of its educational activities, primarily postgraduate and master's degree. An important characteristic of research universities will be providing them with the right determine the directions of his scientific work on the basis of a long-term programme funding. It is known that over the past 15 years in Russia the number of higher educational institutions, even in comparison with the Soviet Union in General, increased more than twice. 
In universities, non-research universities will be competitive support of advanced scientific and educational programs at the level of faculties and departments. Research centers will be created (CI), bringing together leading researchers them on a competitive basis will be provided programmatic funding for 5-7 years. When this will be kept to a minimum regionalism, in which researchers do the work, published and defend thesis in the same high school. In General restructuring of the system of institutions of higher education will be based on market mechanisms of demand of consumers and quality assessment. The restructuring will lead to the diversification of the universities on the above types, but also to consolidate their average size reaches 10 thousand students.
On the basis of new mechanisms of financing and a significant expansion of opportunities of research at the higher school will be updating the existing body of teachers. For those who preserved the qualifications and research potential, the base salary will be supplemented by a system of grants and allowances, which together will provide the level of remuneration commensurate with foreign universities and Russian businesses. The share of high school teachers involved in research to increase from 16% in 2007 to 35% in 2015 and 42% in 2020. For the formation of a single Russian market research workers and teachers of the higher school will be introduced starting grants.

The state will stimulate international and domestic academic mobility of teachers, including the financing of long-term scientific training graduate students and teachers and contracts of Russian universities with prospective foreign lecturers. The mobility will assume and flexibility career as a University teacher: the possibility of transition in the business sector (and coming from it) at different stages of their careers, the possibility of a flexible combination of work in the academic and business sectors.
Mobility and the spread of new ideas will contribute to giving grants to young researchers and teachers, not attached to a particular University: researcher, received a long-term Federal grant, to choose the place of work («money follows the teacher»). The universities will have incentives to attract such teachers and researchers and to ensure competitive conditions for their work.
To support the most talented students, fixing their academic selection in 2010 introduced the institution of the target post-graduate students. They will be paid a stipend in the amount of average salary in the economy. By 2015, this system would cover 20% of masters and 35% of graduate students Federal research universities, by 2020, 25, and 50% respectively. Divergence of professional education programs and academic education should resolve contradictions in the direction of the educational process according to the axes of research and practice-oriented types of training (professional - academic, «be able» - «know», type - type of research).
This will be supported by professional associations of professors and researchers creating conditions and opportunities for interuniversity cooperation at the individual level, at the level of research teams and educational programs.
All these named priority directions in the development of vocational education are successfully realized in the Moscow state humanitarian-economic Institute. The Institute has a Scientific and educational center (SEC MGGEI) with the purpose of development of system of additional education and scientific research in the field of modern cognitive intelligent information telecommunication technologies, the problems of rehabilitation of the disabled. 
In accordance with the goals and objectives of the SEC MGGEI cooperates with the leading scientific, research, social organizations, such as the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Association of artificial intelligence, and the national Association of innovations and development of information technology, University - MEFI, MIEM, Moscow state University by Lomonosov, with all-Russian public organization «Center on rendering assistance to invalids with infringement of the locomotor system» on the issues of rehabilitation of the disabled, as well as with the French firm Schneider Electric, German SAP, transnational company Microsoft and other
SEC MGGEI together with the French company Schneider Electric, has been working in the field of development of information control systems in power engineering of the social sphere and includes issues such as: the study of modern equipment and technologies Schneider Electric students in the framework of optional and planned training sessions; qualification improvement of the personnel operating the equipment Schneider Electric at the enterprises, and also improvement of professional skill of the staff, system of projecting on the basis of this equipment;t he organization of seminars, conferences, forums and other events of the kind of scientific and technical, social-oriented, marketing and commercial nature in the interests of the training Center. 
There are the following groups of subjects:
information technologies in power industry of the social sphere - for priority implementation in the educational process;
building management system (BMS) - «Smart house» and information bases of creation of a barrier-free environment;
solution of problems of local automation of different processes of social sphere on the basis of elementary and intelligent controllers;
possibility of automation of production control systems (APCS+DCS+ADCS/AMR);
integration of power distribution equipment and communication network. 
SEC MGGEI together with the company Schneider Electric develops the Concept (Project) of the perspective educational center for youth with disabilities type of «Smart House». The center is intended for formation of professional knowledge, skills, personality and ensure social adaptation (adaptation) in the external environment in society. Principles of construction of perspective educational centre «Smart Home» for young people with disabilities should meet a number of requirements, first of all, it should be created a barrier-free environment.
Representatives MGGEI participated in a conference of the German campaign SAP and discussed the directions of possible cooperation. In particular, recognized the need to create in the framework of the Scientific-educational center MGGEI Office-SAP-oriented training of the students of the faculties of applied mathematics and Informatics, economy, printing new and promising SAP technologies such as intelligent analytical systems, cloud computing, mobile platforms, visualization and their applications to problems of increasing the value of companies, creation of systems of mobile marketing and Commerce, informational, expert medical diagnostic systems and rehabilitation of people with disabilities and other It is also possible execution of certain works on programming, web-design by specified requirements.
Of considerable interest is discussed SEC MGGEI with representatives of OJSC «Russian space systems opportunity to participate in the project of «Social GLONASS» in the part of creating a «System of scientific and educational training, rehabilitation of persons with nosological signs and ensure their participation in the economic activity on the basis of GLONASS as well as support for people with disabilities»
At a positive solution of the issue of financing the work of Federal and regional social offices, project «Social GLONASS would unite the efforts of all public and state organizations of social protection of the population, labor and employment, science and education, industrial policy and entrepreneurship organizations of employers in issues of education, rehabilitation, employment, assistance for people with disabilities, and ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in economic activity in Russia. 
Thus, summarizing the results of the analysis of key tendencies of the innovative educational process in Russia, it should be noted that at present Russia faces the task of transition from ensuring the existence of «science and education to the stage of qualitative growth that is achieved by increasing funding to the size, allowing to carry out the expanded reproduction. That the first plan has been not a mechanical financial pumping», and the formation of institutions to ensure the balanced growth of educational and innovative sectors of the economy.

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