
11 May 2016

Modern societies are in dire need of scientists and experts who have a deep and accurate view of the world, considering today’s processes in line with the universal "world picture", who can understand and respect the values of open society, having independent creative initiative, ready for the process of continuous personal development. Preparation of such experts and mobilization of intellectual resources is possible on condition of formation of mobile, constructive, equipped with informational-communicative and material resources of the International Institute of the Development of Science Cooperation (MIRNaS).

MIRNaS Institute is established to conduct in-depth analysis of the various sources of research materials, informational resources, the implementation of basic and applied scientific researches. It is planned to develop and complete the scientific researches across the spectrum of humanities and social sciences. The main directions of activity of the MIRNaS Institute are:

  • Assisting to individual scientists and research teams;
  • The involvement of researchers in the scientific activities which are hold at MIRNaS;
  • Coordinate the activities of scientific research groups from different countries;
  • Organization of additional education units (courses, seminars, summer schools);
  • Having some conferences and presentations;
  • Formation of databases and information resources;
  • Conducting surveys, activity in media and PR
  • Publishing (articles, books, reports, journal, website);
  • Organization of the library;
  • The creation of intern programs;
  • Coordination of international projects.

The priorities of the institute will be the implementation of joint projects with Russian and foreign universities, research centers, expert institutions.

The Institute is open to suggestions for initiative projects of individual researchers, scientific research centers and civil society institutions.

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