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I. INTRODUCTION The Daily Sabah newspaper published an interview with the representative of Turkish President Recep Erdogan, Ibrahim Kalyn. In the conversation, he said that the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh will be resolved only if the illegal occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia ends. "Since Russia has a serious influence on Armenia and its armed forces are present there, we can discuss this issue with Russia. As a member of the Minsk group, Russia is also responsible. We shouldn't think just about today. We must take steps to end this occupation if we think of the future,” he said. Azerbaijan declared "martial law" amid ongoing clashes on the border with Armenia, which began on September 27. This has led to an escalation of tension in the region. Turkey's repor ...

Belarus: "The situation requires a serious modification of the government's behavior algorithm"

The situation in the Republic of Belarus (RB) is developing rapidly: more and more new events (pickets, strikes, peaceful marches, massive claps, humming convoys) overshadow the past in the first days after the elections. The growing mass protests require a serious modification of the behavior algorithm of the ruling elite - a transition from a so familiar to Lukashenkao personally monologue to a dialogue; and a quick transition. The regime has so far failed to do this, it has failed to find the words and decisions necessary to maintain stability in the country. Why, then, a man whom the Belarusians themselves lovingly called Batka (from the colloquial peasant - dad, father) suddenly become so hated? I think the reasons for this are not only the fatigue of the young and most active part ...

Centennial Anniversary of the Sykes–Picot Agreement

In May 2016 it will be 100 years since the signing of a document which went down in history under the title “the Sykes–Picot Agreement” (by the names of two diplomats—a Frenchman François Georges-Picot and an Englishman Mark Sykes). It defined the borderlines between the zones into which the Asian territories of the Ottoman Empire were divided after the World War I. Today hardly anybody shows interest in this topic. It is regarded mostly as a closed case file, or a historical fact. But if you take a close look at the current developments in the Middle East, you will notice the echo of that deal. Threads of history do not break but stretch through the decades. Here is the historical background: none of the independent Arab states currently depicted on the world map existed before the Worl ...

Is a Collective Security System Possible in the Middle East?

Igor Ivanov: President of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (1998–2004)  It would not be an exaggeration to suggest that the future of international relations as a whole depends on how the situation in the Middle East develops. Right now, attention is focused on more obvious and heated examples of regional instability. Solutions are being sought to a range of complex issues, including the long-standing civil war in Syria, the settlement of internal conflicts in Iraq, Libya and Yemen, and the restart of the Israel–Palestine peace process. New and extremely dangerous forms of international terrorism are springing up all over the region. And migration flows are growing at an unprecedented rate, causing problems for n ...

The Russian-Turkish Crisis

November 24th, 2015 became a turning point for the Russian-Turkish relations. One thing should be clear to everybody: a long optimistic chapter in the bilateral relationship is over, and we are entering a new, still very unclear and potentially very dangerous period. If the Russian-Turkish cooperation was so great prior to November 24th, then why one single accident turned out to be sufficient to negatively change the whole fabric of the Russian – Turkish partnerships in various fields? I would argue that the crisis between our two countries had been ripening for a long time, and the SU-24 grounding was only the last straw that broke the camel’s neck. For many years, Russians and Turks were trying to convince each other that they could “agree to disagree” on many controversial and ex ...

Introduction of scientific innovations in the sphere of professional education on the example of Moscow state humanitarian-economic Institute

Bayramov V.D. Abstract. The author of the article focuses on the innovative character of education, which becomes the most important tool in its competition with other social institutions for influence on the younger generation. Based on analysis of statistical data and expert judgements identifies key trends in education and innovation processes in modern Russia, analyzes the positive experience of cooperation with the leading scientific, research, social organizations at the Moscow state humanitarian-economic Institute. Keywords: scientific innovation, the scope of vocational training, transfers, grants, research, undergraduate, graduate, professional competence, multi-level education, social institutions. The task of the rise of education becomes one of the key tasks of innovative de ...

Dec 26
Научная Конференция "2024: Предварительные Итоги"

24 декабря 2024 года Международный институт развития научного сотрудничества «МИ ...

Dec 04
В Москве стали известны имена победителей III Международной премии «Честный взгляд»

3 декабря в Москве стали известны имена победителей III Международной премии «Че ...

Dec 20
19 декабря прошла научная конференция «2023: Предварительные итоги»

19 декабря 2023 года Международный институт развития научного сотрудничества «МИ ...

Nov 15
III Международный форум «СМИ и цифровые технологии перед вызовами информационного и исторического фальсификата»

14 и 15 ноября в отеле «Националь» в Москве проходит III Международный форум «СМ ...

Oct 30

30 октября 2023 Центр научно-аналитической информации Института востоковедения Р ...

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