Founders of the International Institute of the Development of Science Cooperation

11 May 2016

Institute of Asia and Africa, Moscow State University: 

Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University is a leading educational center in Russia to train professional Orientalists and Africanists, experts in almost all countries and regions of Asia and Africa

Russian State Humanitarian University:

Russian State Humanitarian University in Moscow, founded by Yuriy Afanasiev in March 1991 at the Moscow Historical Archives Institute.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia:

One of the leading universities of Russia, has the status of a federal university level. Peoples' Friendship University instituted by the USSR Council of Ministers decree in 5th of February 1960 and on February 5, 1992 Russian Government changed its name into Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences is the leading world-scale scientific center, covering a wide spectrum of Oriental Studies subjects. Research area extends from the west coast of North Africa to the Pacific Ocean, and the chronology covers all the historical periods of the history of the East - from ancient times to the present day.

Turkish-Russian Cultural Center:

Turkish-Russian Cultural Center operates in accordance with Russian Federation legislation on culture. Various activities in the field of culture, art and education to more fully explore the cultural traditions of the two peoples is the main focus of the center's activities.

Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences:

The central research institution in Russia, which conducted scientific research work on the main directions and actual problems of modern philosophical knowledge.

Association of Russian and Turkish organizations RUTID:

Association "Business Opportunity" was created to strengthen business cooperation between Russian and Turkish businessmen. The Association was founded in 1998 and today is one of the largest companies in its sector.

Faculty of global processes, Moscow State University:

The main objective of the Faculty of global processes is preparation of highly qualified specialists in the sphere of international relations, sociable and energetic, combining extensive theoretical training and intercultural education, tolerance and enterprising, able to conduct a comprehensive monitoring and to develop approaches for the effective management of modern global processes. Actively developing the processes of globalization require new approaches to the training of specialists in international affairs. Graduates of the faculty are experts in various aspects of global studies - interdisciplinary field of scientific knowledge on globalization and global issues, unifying approaches and methods of the humanities and natural sciences.

Russian-Turkish Business Council

Russian-Turkish Business Council was first established in 1988 at the Chamber of Commerce of the Soviet Union.

Russian Philosophical Society

RFS is the successor (since 1992) of the Philosophical Society of the USSR, created in 1971. RFS is a non-profit, non-governmental public organization uniting philosophers on the basis of common interests, working in the field as a philosophical research and teaching philosophy. RFS members are considered those who have paid the membership fee for the current year. At the moment RFS has more than 4 thousand members, including philosophers from abroad.

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