14 Jun 2016
Russia and Turkey are two neighboring countries with multifaceted relationship which is constantly developing along with the increase in the volume of bilateral trade, which reached 30-35 billion dollars, social and cultural relations are also rapidly developing. On the territory of the Russian Federation permanently residing around 60-70 thousand Turkish citizens. In Turkey, the permanent number of Russian citizens is about 300 thousand. Besides, the travel of citizens of both countries for tourism purposes continues, the number of which increases from year to year. In this situation there is an increase in social and cultural rapprochement between the two states that, along with this, give rise to some new certain problems.
The meeting of Russian and Turkish intellectuals:
We had the opportunity to organize a meeting of intellectuals of the two countries, the social, economic and cultural relations which are constantly evolving, creating the atmosphere for the exchange of views in various areas, and contribute to the resolution of some problems arising from the development of such relations by scientists.
We offer:
Organising Committee:
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